Text in Japanese
Mars Imaging Camera
update September 14th, 1999
The Destination
Taken at 11:00 UT on Augutst 28th, 1999.
The distance from Mars is about 5,560,000km.
MIC took the first light from Mars. RGB.
- Farside of Moon
(taken on December 19, 1998)
- Farside of Moon
(taken on September 24, 1998)
- Moon More images here.
(taken on September 24, 1998)
- Australia
(taken on September 9, 1998)
- Earth (full)
(taken on August 29, 1998)
- Earth (half)
(taken on August 28, 1998)
- Clouds and Sea
(taken on August 15, 1998)
- Earth and Moon
(taken on August 14, 1998)
- Half Moon
(taken on August 1, 1998)
- Gulf of Carpentaria (Australia)
(taken on July 19, 1998)
- Earth and Moon(first image)
(taken on July 18, 1998)
Please contact to ISAS if you would like to use these images.
They must be credited to "MIC onboard NOZOMI / ISAS".
Introduction and Description
Ai Inada